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I want to be around people that do things. I don’t want to be around people anymore that judge or talk about what people do. I want to be around people who dream, and support, and do things.” 

– Amy Poehler

I'm here to help...

Over the past 30 years I have had the pleasure to participate in many different mastermind groups.  My first was called a "Success Team".  We met every Friday for breakfast and brainstormed, supported and encouraged each other to aspire to greater things!

I have belonged to traditional style masterminds, self-directed groups, groups as part of a program, and those that were called a mastermind but were actually a course.  Each had a big impact in some way on my business growth and success!

I am always excited and honoured to be the host and facilitator of masterminds.  When entrepreneurs and business leaders come together and work towards success for all powerful magic can happen.

 I have learned when a mastermind can help and when coaching is a better option.  Both have advantages and disadvanatages... it depends on you!


Through my MoreThanGreen™ sustainability program I donate 2% of top line revenues to my designated charities and other ESG (social and environmental) initiatives.

 Catherine Rocheleau, Business Impact Strategist

What to do Next

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Read the Report

As you review the 5 Ways a Mastermind will Improve Your Success as a Leader you will recognize those strategies that are most important to you.

I encourage you to take action!

Are You Ready to Start?

I'd like to invite you to consider our newly revamped mastermind.

We know moving forward will make an amazing impact for you.

Do You Want to Know More?

Check out The Changemaker Roundtable

“Create a definite plan
for carrying out your desire
and begin at once,
whether you are ready or not,
to put this plan into action”

                                                                                                                       – Napoleon Hill

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