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Navigating Professional Crossroads

How to Explore Your Current Career Options – To Stay or Go?

Here's What You'll Receive If You Sign Up Today

1: What Got You To This Point?

Through self-exploration, you will identify where you are in your career and what you want going forward. What attracted you to your current career? Why are you in a quandary today?

2: Do I Go or Do I Stay?

This is the big question that often stumps leaders and employees alike. By placing the magnifying glass on your career path today, you will determine how likely you are to leave your current role, shift organizations or change careers altogether.   You will also gain an understanding of how you can reinvigorate your passion and enjoyment in your existing career.

3: Beyond Your Crossroads

Following a close look at where you are today and how you got here, you will create a career plan designed to assist you to solidify your knowledge of what you bring to the table, where gaps exist, and what you have achieved. Your roadmap will also help you uncover what the market is looking for, alternative paths available to you, and how your network can assist you reap the benefits of what lies ahead.

By the end of Navigating Professional Crossroads you will ...

1. Explore how you got to this point in your career.

2. Identify ways you can reinvigorate your current job

 3. Assess what other options are available to you.

4. Create an action plan for the career you want.


plan on a table top with hands applying post-it notes
floor looks like a keyboard with chairs and a blackboard

Throughout the course, you'll learn how to:

Identify and clarify your top professional values, motivators and purpose statement.
Explore the positives and negatives in your current role/career, and what drew you to this career?
Assess how close you are to leaving your current role. 
Gain a perspective on how you can reset your current job/career path to achieve what you want and revitalize your passion.
Conduct a self-assessment and establish a career plan for the future. How ready and adaptable are you for making a change?

Are you feeling uncertain about your career path or current position?

"Navigating Professional Crossroads" is a transformative mini- course designed to instill clarity and a proven process for leaders, business owners and aspiring leaders.  You will recognize forces that attracted you to your profession, why you're feeling unsettled and the skills, experiences and knowledge that are valuable to employers. All of this so you gain the clarity to take action, and implement the next steps along your career path.

This mini-course takes you on a exploratory journey to reaffirm your goals and vision for your career,  uncover different forces at play in the push and pull you experience, and how to leverage your network to foster the abilities to make the tweaks and major shifts necessary for career happiness, productivity and success.

Let's get you clear on what you bring to the table

Catherine Rocheleau, MBA

Over the course of my career, I have faced several professional crossroads so I know what that feels like. In fact, I hadn't even received my undergraduate degree when a professor said to me "You must be happy to have reached this point, knowing what's your career can offer." My response is I was very happy to be finished, but I wasn't sure I'd take the right degree. That uncertainty followed me through my internship and three years of my work.

After participating in career assessments, speaking with people in different careers, and deep critical thinking on why I felt this way, I came to the solution, the parts of my career that I liked the best were less and less available to me as they were downloaded to other positions.

This lead me toward my entrepreneurial path, offering new ways to utilize my skills, passions and experience.  Like everything, further changes and restructuring, I realized I was facing yet another crossroad and made the shift I needed to revitalize my career once again.

If this sounds like your story as a leader or executive, or in the early phases of your career, a full change may not be the right solution - when a shift or openness to different opportunities would revive your excitement and passion for your career.

This mini course will walk you through many of the same steps I have taken several times, while keeping you open to options. In the end you will have a career path roadmap designed to provide clarity and options for next steps and a clear understanding of the value you bring to your employer.  While you are doing all of this, I will be there, by your side. 

As part of our MoreThanGreen sustainability program, we donate a minimum of 2% of topline revenues to charity, in addition to our donations of time, skill and resources in the community.

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