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“Be greedy for social change, and your life will be endlessly enriched. The only failure lies in not trying, or in giving up.”
–Ann Cotton,

I'm here to help...

I've been a successful small business owner for over 30 years and I’d love to be your partner in doing the same. Together we will identify the changes you want to tackle and create a plan we can follow together so you reach the goals you desire.

Working with me will create a “triple win” ...
• a win for you,
• a win for your business and
• a win for my charities.

Through my MoreThanGreen™ sustainability program I donate 2% of top line revenues to my designated charities and other ESG (social and environmental) initiatives.

 Catherine Rocheleau, Business Impact Strategist

What to do next

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You CAN build a successful, thriving business … with just a few small (yet powerful) techniques … and without overwhelm and frustration. I'll show you how.

Are You Ready to Start?

If you'd like to explore how I may be able to support your business growth and social impact efforts, let's have a chat.

“A little bit of good
can turn into a whole lot of good
when fueled by the commitment of a social entrepreneur.”
                                                                                                                       – Jeff Skoll

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