The Changemaker Roundtable

The Changemaker Roundtable is a mastermind group for purpose-driven, forward-thinking leaders in small & medium organizations and are in c-suite, director, and senior manager roles or are business owners.

Leadership can be challenging, exciting, draining, empowering and sometimes a bit lonely.  Add social & environmental impact goals to the mix and you are adding more complexity.

As a leader, you may be the changemaker, or you may be tapped on the shoulder to lead change within your organization.  

At other times, you may be tasked with finding a solution that feels overwhelming or leaves you feeling like an imposter.

While the rollercoaster journey of leadership can be daunting, most embrace the opportunities and delve into their network to learn, explore ideas, and take actions that lead to success.

What if you had a team of peers from diverse sectors and locations, 

who had your back? 

 What if this team is as focused on your success as their own, 

and will offer valuable feedback, insights and ideas?

How would you feel if you could save time, energy, resources 

and accelerate your success as a leader month in and month out?

Just imagine being part of a group of purpose-driven, forward thinking leaders 

who share your desire to use business for good.

If you had a network that inspires,
encourages & supports you
how would it change your trajectory?

The Changemaker Roundtable offers you:

Connections -- Grow your network with other social purpose leaders in various sectors, roles, regions & skills.
Belonging - Successful leaders cite deep relationships & belonging to a group with others in their network as the key to their success. You can develop deeper relationships in a safe environment that promotes diversity, inclusion, trust and collaboration.
Inspiration -- Gain perspective and feedback from your peers as you tackle your top business challenges.
Many Minds = Great Results - Leverage the skills, knowledge, and experiences of the group to do more, elevate results, & save time.
Resource wealth – Sharing tools, resources with each other saves time, effort and elevates your success.
Reenergizing environment -- Knowing your not leading alone and have a peer group committed to your success will fuel your efforts to move forward
Opportunity to make an impact -- With common values collectively, you and your peers will make a difference by contributing to the success of each member, our teams  and communities.
Accountability – to yourself, your goals, your business/ career, and to your group. Reverse a lack of "stick-with-it-ness" on a project
Learning – from your peers, guest experts and from your efforts to taking action.
Common Desires -- to use business as a force for good; to make a more positive impact and change how we live & work in this world.

Are you ready to be a changemaker 

and lead on purpose 

while you leverage the mastermind of your peers?

Now accepting applications for our 6-month cohort... 
March - September 2025 
+ bonus meeting in February

Catherine Rocheleau, MBA

Your Host & Facilitator

Hi, I'm Catherine.

During my career I have held positions as an executive, director, manager, team lead and business owner. This has led to incurring experiences with organizational changes, employee challenges, and personal questions about my own career path.

Your career journey may have, and probably was different to mine, however I am pretty sure you have experienced some ups and downs along the way. In my mind, its these experiences that build our skills and add to our understanding in the workplace that we can draw upon as we gain experience.

I had the incredible fortune of being introduced to the concept of a mastermind group early in my career. Since that early introduction to my first mastermind, which was called a “Success Team,” I have had the honour of continuously participating in a mastermind group or two during my entire career.  In fact, I participated in my Success Team for over 10 years because we had great dynamics and kept pushing each other in business and in life! We all had different backgrounds but common views on doing more, being better and making a difference.

As your Changemaker Roundtable facilitator and host, I love to see the culture of each group develop and the shift that inevitably occurs for every person who fully participates in the mastermind.  I was told by one mastermind participant that "failing to participate fully effectively short-changes yourself, your career or business and those in your group."

Our Impact

Our commitment to paying it forward, and making a positive IMPACT on the world around us is driven by our MoreThanGreen™ program. We donate at least 2% of all top-line revenues (regardless of source) to our designated charities.     Learn more

We Can Change the World through Business

When We Change How Business is Done!

changemaker roundtable group meeting

1 + 1 = 3

What is a Mastermind?

A mastermind is a group of highly motivated people who are committed to growing personally and professionally. These groups meet regularly and are focused on leveraging the power of many minds coming together for a single purpose—to foster personal and professional growth and development, drive results, and realize the attainment of goals through accountability.

The “personality” of the mastermind is as unique as the individuals who partake. The focus of a mastermind is usually shared by the meeting facilitator or group creator during recruitment. The multiple facets mean no two are exactly alike.

75% of mastermind participants in senior & executive roles cite their mastermind group 

as “very or extremely valuable” to their career success.

How The Changemaker Roundtable works...

Groups are kept small to maximize the experience and value for each participant.  We aim to cap our groups at 10 - 15.  Participants are from a variety of locations, sectors, roles and have diverse experiences.
All meetings are facilitated by an Executive Coach or a Guest Expert.
One 3.5-hour Mastermind meeting each month in our virtual meeting room. The Changemaker Roundtable meetings offer opportunities to discuss hot topics, learn from your peers or guest experts, brainstorm and solve roadblocks. 
Ignition Hot Seats at each meeting are designed to help members spotlight a key issue, dig deep and truly uncover blind spots, opportunities, new insights and perspectives, and accelerate implementation and elevate outcomes.
Check-ins at each meeting to keep you moving forward on your goals.  Your mastermind journal will help you track your progress and performance. I'm sure you won't want to report to your peers that you haven't made any progress!
A private Changemaker Roundtable Channel is available so you can keep in touch with your peers between meetings.  Build connections, share resources, knowledge, and get feedback and more!
Access to our private membership portal with tools, resources, and more!
BONUS:   Complimentary 6-month Platinum membership in our Impact Catalysts Circle  - a membership group for business owners, senior directors, and c-suite executives in small and medium organizations, Visionaries who are passionate about making a difference in the world through business.  (value $500)
BONUS:  A copy of our mastermind journal, branded mug and pen.  (value:  $50) 

Imagine how a change in the trajectory
of your career/business would
impact your career success!
Today is the day to credit
your Changemaker Roundtable
as being very or extremely valuable
 to your career success.

Now accepting applications for our 6-month Fall cohort... 
March - September 2025 
+ bonus meeting in February

30-Day Participate or Get Your Money Back Guarantee 

If after participating fully & doing the work you do not agree that the mastermind group is worth every penny of the price you paid just let me know anytime within the first 30 days of your purchase for your mastermind experience and we will promptly make arrangements to refund your charge card for the entire amount.

Do You Still Have Questions?

If you have questions, I highly recommend that you complete a changemaker roundtable mastermind application.  Once you do, you will be asked to book a no obligation application review call with me (Catherine).  Together we will meet to determine if this group is a good fit for you.  We will also ensure all of your questions are answered and if it is, we'll get you set up.  If not, we will explore other options. 

If the timing isn't great or we're not currently accepting applications

add your name to our Mastermind Interest List, 

and you'll be the first to hear about our next intake.

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Ignite Leadership International®  is a registered trademark of Catherine Rocheleau & Associates Inc.

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