
Navigating Professional Crossroads

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In this time of economic turmoil is unsettling for employees and leaders alike. It is impacting job security, the ability of workers to work remotely, to achieve work-life balance and more. The result, more people are facing a professional crossroads – that point in which you either question your chosen path, or you recognize a change is needed because you are unhappy, disengaged or lacking opportunity in your current role. Navigating professional crossroads alone can be frustrating and overwhelming.

Did you know that more than 25% of individuals with a degree will change careers within their lifetime? (source Statistics Canada). I am one of those individuals. In fact, I questioned my choice of career even before I had my graduation ceremony. I didn’t end up changing careers for over a decade but I still dip back in to that arena periodically, but its definitely not for me on a permanent basis.

The number one reason for changing careers is for better life-work balance. Bad bosses is also a leading reason for individuals who are contemplating a change in organizations, followed by better remuneration and/or work culture.

If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, then our new mini-course may be a great option for you!

navigating professional crossroads course logo

Navigating Professional Crossroads – How to Explore Your Current Career Options – To Stay or Go? takes you on a exploratory journey to reaffirm your goals and vision for your career. You will uncover different forces at play in the push and pull you experience. In addition, you will learn how to leverage your network to foster and understand how to make the tweaks and major shifts necessary for career happiness, productivity and success.

This transformative mini-course is designed to instill clarity and a proven process for leaders, business owners and aspiring leaders who want to explore their current career situation and whether they should make a change.  Through the exercises in this program you will recognize forces that attracted you to your profession. Understand why you’re feeling unsettled and the skills, experiences and knowledge that are valuable to employers. You will also recognize what is involved in making a change i.e. additional training or going back to school, moving to a new location, and more. All of this so you gain the clarity to take action, and implement the next steps along your career path.

When you register in this program you will gain instant access to the program. Each course offers recorded lessons, a comprehensive workbook, additional resources, and in some cases optional up-grades like our NPC PLUS for this course.

If you’re at a crossroads, and unsure if coaching and/or this course could assist you, book a complimentary Ignition Call and we’ll chat.

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